Santersus AG is proud to be recognized as a top innovator and to be granted a presentation slot at the transCampus Partnership 10 year Anniversary Event in London on February 13, 2023.
The transCampus partnership, which is overseen by joint Dean, Professor Stefan Bornstein includes joint professorships, administrative structures and training programmes for students from the different faculties of University of Dresden and King’s College London.
Minister President of Saxony, Michael Kretschmer honored the transCampus partnership and its success during his keynote speech at the anniversary celebration.
“We are again very pleased at the recognition of what our technology is trying to achieve in this space and are very excited about once again being able to present at this event to further engage with both academics and investors who will be able to help us in our pursuit of making game changing differences in both therapeutics and diagnostics when looking at this novel area”